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PLoS One ; 18(4): e0284079, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37023103


The link between human ocular morphology and attractiveness, especially in the context of its potential adaptive function, is an underexplored area of research. In our study, we examined the association between facial attractiveness and three sexually dimorphic measures of ocular morphology in White Europeans: the sclera size index, width-to-height ratio, and relative iris luminance. Sixty participants (30 women) assessed the attractiveness of the opposite-sex photographs of 50 men and 50 women. Our results show that in both men and women, none of the three measures was linked to the opposite sex ratings of facial attractiveness. We conclude that those ocular morphology measures may play a limited role in human mate preferences.

Beleza , População Europeia , Olho , Face , População Branca , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , População Europeia/psicologia , Face/anatomia & histologia , Iris/anatomia & histologia , População Branca/psicologia , Olho/anatomia & histologia , Estética/psicologia , Fotografação , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/métodos , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/psicologia , Caracteres Sexuais , Fatores Sexuais
REME rev. min. enferm ; 27: 1492, jan.-2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1527286


Objetivo: apreender como as mulheres percebem e vivenciam a sexualidade durante o período da amamentação. Método: estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa, realizado com mulheres lactantes ou que já haviam amamentado, em seis Unidades Básicas de Saúde de município da região Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados no período de maio a agosto de 2018, mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas, áudio-gravadas, realizadas em local reservado nas unidades de saúde. As informantes foram 18 mulheres com filhos de até 12 meses de vida, que estava sendo ou tivesse sido amamentado ao seio por algum tempo, e que compareceram à Unidade de Saúde para puericultura ou consulta com pediatra durante o período da coleta de dados. Foram excluídas as mulheres que referiram não ter iniciado a prática sexual no período de amamentação. Os dados produzidos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo modalidade temática. Resultados: as mulheres percebem e vivenciam a sexualidade durante a amamentação por meio de mudanças na autoimagem, na autoestima e no relacionamento com o parceiro. As modificações mamárias foram bem percebidas no período gestacional e no início da amamentação, porém, com o decorrer do tempo, algumas mulheres as perceberam de forma negativa, sobretudo aquelas que tiveram mais dificuldade na retomada do peso pré-gravídico. Os resultados mostraram também que as mulheres passaram por um período de incertezas e inseguranças em relação a sexualidade e que mudanças da dinâmica conjugal foram necessárias neste período de transição para o exercício da sexualidade, considerando necessidades do suporte nutricional e afetivo do bebê. Conclusão: as mulheres percebem e vivenciam dificuldades em conciliar a sexualidade com a amamentação, visto que a nova dinâmica familiar decorrente do nascimento de um filho, associada as alterações na estética corporal, podem repercutir de forma negativa na sexualidade.(AU)

Objective: To understand how women perceive and experience sexuality during the breastfeeding period. Method: Descriptive study with a qualitative approach carried out with lactating women or women who had already breastfed, having as field of study six Basic Health Units (UBS) of a municipality in the southern region of Brazil. Data were collected from May to August 2018, through semi-structured interviews, audio-re-corded and held in a reserved place at the UBS. The informants were 18 women with children aged up to 12 months who were being or had been breastfed for some time and who attended the UBS for childcare or consultation with a pediatrician during the pe-riod of data collection. Women who reported not having started sexual practice during the breastfeeding period were excluded. The data produced were submitted to content analysis ­ thematic modality. Results: Women perceive and experience sexuality du-ring breastfeeding through changes in self-image, self-esteem, and relationship with the partner. Breast changes were well perceived during the gestational period and at the beginning of breastfeeding; however, over time, some women perceived the changes in a negative way, especially those who had more difficulty regaining their pre-pregnancy weight. The results also showed that the women went through a period of uncertain-ties and insecurities in relation to sexuality and that changes in the marital dynamics were necessary in this transition period for the exercise of sexuality, considering the nutritional and affective support needs of the baby. Conclusion: Women perceive and experience difficulties in reconciling sexuality with breastfeeding, since the new family dynamics resulting from the birth of a child and changes in body aesthetics can have a negative impact on sexualit.(AU)

Objetivo: aprender cómo las mujeres perciben y viven la sexualidad durante el período de la lactancia materna. Método: estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo, realizado con mujeres lactando o que ya habían lactado, en seis Unidades Básicas de Salud de un municipio de la región sur de Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados en el período de mayo a agosto de 2018, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y grabadas en audio, realizadas en un lugar reservado en las unidades de salud...(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Saúde da Mulher , Período Pós-Parto/psicologia , Estética/psicologia , Saúde Materna , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde
IEEE Trans Cybern ; 52(3): 1798-1811, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32525805


Typical image aesthetics assessment (IAA) is modeled for the generic aesthetics perceived by an "average" user. However, such generic aesthetics models neglect the fact that users' aesthetic preferences vary significantly depending on their unique preferences. Therefore, it is essential to tackle the issue for personalized IAA (PIAA). Since PIAA is a typical small sample learning (SSL) problem, existing PIAA models are usually built by fine-tuning the well-established generic IAA (GIAA) models, which are regarded as prior knowledge. Nevertheless, this kind of prior knowledge based on "average aesthetics" fails to incarnate the aesthetic diversity of different people. In order to learn the shared prior knowledge when different people judge aesthetics, that is, learn how people judge image aesthetics, we propose a PIAA method based on meta-learning with bilevel gradient optimization (BLG-PIAA), which is trained using individual aesthetic data directly and generalizes to unknown users quickly. The proposed approach consists of two phases: 1) meta-training and 2) meta-testing. In meta-training, the aesthetics assessment of each user is regarded as a task, and the training set of each task is divided into two sets: 1) support set and 2) query set. Unlike traditional methods that train a GIAA model based on average aesthetics, we train an aesthetic meta-learner model by bilevel gradient updating from the support set to the query set using many users' PIAA tasks. In meta-testing, the aesthetic meta-learner model is fine-tuned using a small amount of aesthetic data of a target user to obtain the PIAA model. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art PIAA metrics, and the learned prior model of BLG-PIAA can be quickly adapted to unseen PIAA tasks.

Inteligência Artificial , Estética , Estética/psicologia , Humanos , Fotografação
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 53(1): 34769, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370891


A arte não representacional é outra maneira de aludir à arte abstrata, sendo um estilo no qual os objetos não se parecem com aqueles que se apresentam na natureza física concreta. No último século, foram realizadas investigações experimentais sobre estética e personalidade objetivando revelar fatores contribuintes para as diferenças quanto às preferências artísticas. Este estudo explorou as associações entre abertura à experiência e preferência por arte visual. Os participantes completaram a Escala Fatorial de Abertura e classificaram a preferência por quatro imagens diferentes correspondentes à arte representativa e não representativa. A análise estatística dos dados revelou uma correlação positiva entre o fator Fantasia e a apreciação pelas pinturas abstratas (r =.20). Não foi verificada uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre essa dimensão e a apreciação de pinturas figurativas. Embora esses achados sejam exploratórios, outras medidas mais completas relacionadas às diferenças individuais e preferências artísticas poderão ser utilizadas em novos estudos no Brasil.

Nonrepresentational art is another way to refer to abstract art elating to a style in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature. In the last hundred years some experimental investigations of aesthetics and personality have been conducted to reveal fundamental factors which contribute to differences in artistic preference. This study explored associations among openness to experience and preference for visual art. Participants completed an Openess Fatorial Scale and provided preference ratings for different paintings corresponding to representational and nonrepresentational art. The statistical analysis of the data showed a positive correlation between the fantasy factor and appreciation for abstract paintings (r =.20). Here was no statistically significant correlation between this same dimension and the appreciation for figurative paintings. Although these findings are somewhat exploratory and more comprehensive measures of individual differences and art preferences could be employed in new studies in Brazil.

El arte no representacional es otra forma de referirse al arte abstracto que se adapta a un estilo en el que los objetos no se parecen a los que se conocen en la naturaleza física concrecta. En el siglo se han llevado a cabo investigaciones experimentales sobre estética y personalidad para revelar los factores contribuintes a las diferencias en preferencias artísticas. Los participantes completaron una Escala Fatorial de Abertura a experiencia y otorgaron calificaciones de preferencia para 4 diferentes images correspondientes al arte representativa y no representativa. El análisis estadístico de los datos mostró correlación entre el factor fantasía y y la apreciación de pinturas abstractas (r =.20). No fue verificada una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre esta dimension y la apreciación de las pinturas figurativas. Aunque estos hallazgos son exploratorios y podrían emplear medidas más completas de diferencias individuales y preferencias artísticas en nuevos estudios en Brasil.

Arte , Estética/psicologia , Pinturas/psicologia , Psicologia
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 242-251, maio-ago. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1340869


A arte, por se tratar de um tema fundamentalmente humano, mostra-se como campo de estudos importante à filosofia e à psicologia. Considera-se relevante pensá-la sob o viés da fenomenologia, que compreende a atividade artística não como representação, mas como expressão. Por meio deste estudo, objetiva-se refletir acerca da atividade do ator/da atriz de teatro a partir da obra Phénoménologie de l'experience esthétique, principal produção de Mikel Dufrenne, fenomenólogo que escreveu o mais extenso estudo a respeito da estética em fenomenologia. Essa tarefa se realiza em duas etapas: uma possível explanação a respeito da experiência estética tal como proposta por Dufrenne e, a partir dela, a construção de uma reflexão a respeito do trabalho do artista de teatro. Fica evidente o papel que a arte e, sobretudo, o artista tem na ressignificação do mundo, ao ser ele quem oferece ao espectador, por meio de uma intersubjetividade imanente, um mundo expresso como novidade. Entende-se que, para além do estudo de temas específicos, o estudo da experiência estética em fenomenologia, a partir da ótica dufrenniana, pode se mostrar relevante para a compreensão do fenômeno humano em sua generalidade.

Art, a fundamentally human subject, has become an important field of study in both philosophy and psychology. It is deemed relevant to think of it from a phenomenological perspective, that regards artistic activities not as a representation, but as an expression. This study aims to consider the actor's/actress's activities based on the book Phénoménologie de l'experience esthétique, the main work by Mikel Dufrenne, a phenomenologist who wrote the most extensive study regarding aesthetics in phenomenology. This task has been accomplished in two stages: a possible explanation about the aesthetic experience as proposed by Dufrenne and, from it, the construction of a reflection about a theater artist's work. The role that art and, above all, the artist plays in the resignification of the world becomes evident, as he is the one who offers the viewer, through an immanent intersubjectivity, a world expressed as a novelty. It is understood that, in addition to the study of specific topics, the study of aesthetic experience in phenomenology, from the Dufrennian perspective, may prove relevant to the comprehension of the human phenomenon in general.

El arte, un tema fundamentalmente humano, se ha convertido en un importante campo de estudio tanto para la filosofía como para la psicología. Se considera relevante pensarlo desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, que considera las actividades artísticas no como representación, sino como expresión. Este estudio tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las actividades del actor/actriz, basado en la obra Phénoménologie de l'experience esthétique, el trabajo principal de Mikel Dufrenne, un fenomenólogo que escribió el estudio más extenso acerca de la estética en fenomenología. Esta tarea se realizó en dos etapas: una posible explicación sobre la experiencia estética propuesta por Dufrenne y, a partir de ella, la construcción de una reflexión sobre el trabajo de un artista teatral. El papel que desempeña el arte y, sobre todo, el artista en la resignificación del mundo se hace evidente, ya que él es que ofrece al espectador, a través de una intersubjetividad inmanente, un mundo expresado como novedad. Se entiende que, además del estudio de temas específicos, el estudio de la experiencia estética en fenomenología, desde la perspectiva dufreniana, puede resultar relevante para la comprensión del fenómeno humano en general.

Humanos , Arte , Estética/psicologia , Trabalho/psicologia
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 12559, 2021 06 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34131211


Amputation represents a drastic impact on the patient's body and perception. This cross-sectional study aims to analyse the aesthetic concern represented by body image, self-esteem and quality of life in patients with unilateral transtibial amputations of lower limbs compared to control group. People living with amputations present lower average levels than controls in all subscales of the SF-36 (Short Form 36 Health Survey) quality of life questionnaire, and in both the physical component summary and the mental component summary, although the difference is not statistically significant in the latter. These patients present a significantly lower mean score (p = 0.002) in the MBSRQ (Body-Self Relations Questionnaire) body image questionnaire: 2.64 ± 0.49 opposed to 3.16 ± 0.55 in controls. People living with amputations had a lower mean score on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale than controls (34.44 ± 4.61 v 36.04 ± 3.63). The results also show that amputation has a significant influence on the BI (Body image) of patients with unilateral transtibial amputations. SE (Self-Esteem) seems to be an aspect that is not significantly affected by lower limb amputation, although these patients scored a lower mean on the RSE scale compared to the control group. We consider it is highly relevant to assess QoL (Quality of life), BI and SE in patients after a lower limb amputation process.

Amputados/psicologia , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Extremidade Inferior/cirurgia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Amputação Cirúrgica/psicologia , Membros Artificiais/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Estética/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Qualidade de Vida , Autoimagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(2): 41-57, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1288978


A proposta deste trabalho é rever os conceitos de ética, moral e estética, e articulá-los com os princípios da bioética das relações, que carregam intrinsecamente princípios psicanalíticos. O ser humano constrói seus valores morais no processo de socialização. A estética como qualidade do sentir, proposta por Freud, não passa pela razão. O senso estético é o que nos possibilitará interpretar o mundo externo e os valores morais ou da cultura. Enquanto "a moral vem de fora, a ética parte de dentro". Assim, diferenciamos os conceitos respectivamente como funções do superego e do ego. A forma ética de lidar com os conflitos das relações humanas dar-se-á com um acordo entre a autonomia individual e a responsabilidade social. A máxima da bioética das relações é a "autonomia responsável". O pensamento ético é a conciliação entre os valores morais internalizados e os sentimentos gerados pela percepção do indivíduo sobre a realidade frente às relações humanas. Assim, diante dos conceitos expostos, concluímos que a ética é a estética da moral.

This paper aims at reviewing the concepts of ethics, moral and aesthetics and articulating them with the principles of bioethics relationship which inherently carry psychoanalytic principles. Human beings build moral values within socialization process. Aesthetics as a feeling quality, proposed by Freud, does not go through reason. Aesthetic senses are what enables reading the external world and moral or cultural values. While "moral comes from outside, ethics comes from the inside", thus it is possible to differentiate the concepts, respectively, as functions of superego and ego. An ethical way of dealing with conflicts of human relationships will happen with an agreement between individual autonomy and social responsibility. The maxim of bioethics relationship is "responsible autonomy". The ethical thought is the conciliation between internalized moral values and the feelings generated by the individual perception about reality within human relationships. Thereby, it is possible to state that ethics is the moral aesthetics.

El propósito de este trabajo es revisar los conceptos de ética, moral y estética y articularlos con los principios de la bioética de las relaciones, que son portadores inherentes de principios psicoanalíticos. El ser humano construye sus valores morales en el proceso de socialización. La estética como cualidad del sentimiento, propuesta por Freud, no pasa por la razón. El sentido estético es el que nos permitirá interpretar al mundo exterior y sus valores morales o culturales. Mientras que "la moralidad viene de afuera, la ética viene de adentro"; así diferenciamos los conceptos respectivamente como funciones del superyó y del yo. La forma ética de abordar los conflictos en las relaciones humanas ocurrirá con la alianza entre la autonomía individual y la responsabilidad social. La moral propuesta por la bioética de las relaciones es la de una "autonomía responsable". El pensamiento ético se dará por la conciliación entre los valores morales internalizados y los sentimientos que genera la percepción de la realidad en las relaciones humanas. Así, a la vista de los conceptos expuestos, concluimos que la ética es la estética de la moral.

Ce travail a pour but de revoir les concepts d'éthique, de morale et d'esthétique et de les articuler aux principes de la bioéthique des relations, qui portent intrinsèquement des principes psychanalytiques. L'être humain construit ses valeurs morales dans le processus de la socialisation. L'esthétique comme qualité du sentir, proposée par Freud, ne passe pas par la raison. Le sens esthétique, c'est ce qui nous permettra d'interpréter le monde extérieur et les valeurs morales ou issues de la culture. Alors que « la morale vient de l'extérieur, l'éthique vient de l'intérieur ¼ ; ainsi, nous différencions ces concepts respectivement en tant que fonctions du super ego et de l'ego. La manière éthique de traiter les conflits des relations humaines sera convenue entre l'autonomie individuelle et la responsabilité sociale. La maxime de la Bioéthique des Relations est « l'autonomie responsable ¼. La pensée éthique est la conciliation entre les valeurs morales intériorisées et les sentiments générés au moyen de la perception, par l'individu, de la réalité face aux relations humaines. Ainsi, étant donné les concepts exposés, nous concluons que l'éthique est l'esthétique de la morale.

Psicanálise/ética , Bioética , Estética/psicologia , Relações Interpessoais , Moral
PLoS One ; 16(5): e0250924, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34048445


The aim of our research was to investigate the influence of the situational context of presenting contemporary critical artworks (in an art gallery vs in a laboratory setting) and the way in which one is acquainted with contextual information, i.e. a curatorial description (reading it on one's own vs listening to it vs a lack of curatorial information), on the reception of critical art. All experimental stimuli were exemplars of contemporary art which raise current controversial social and political issues. Non-experts in the field of art were asked to rate their emotional reactions on non-verbal scales and estimate their liking and understanding of the artworks. As predicted, the art gallery context increased both the experience of aesthetic emotions-in terms of valence, arousal, subjective significance, and dominance and aesthetic judgements-in terms of liking. Thus, for critical art (i.e. current artworks which critically address serious, up-to-date issues) the situational context of the gallery increased the aesthetic experience-which is in line with previous studies on the gallery (or museum) effect. Curatorial information increased understanding, so non-experts seem to need interpretative guidance in the reception of critical art. Subjective significance was higher in the reading of curatorial information condition than the listening to curatorial information condition or the control condition (a lack of curatorial information). It seems, therefore, that art non-experts have a better understanding of critical art after being exposed to the curatorial description, but this does not result in an increase in liking and aesthetic emotions. Probably this is because the curatorial description allows one to grasp the difficult, often unpleasant issue addressed by critical art.

Arte , Estética/psicologia , Nível de Alerta/fisiologia , Emoções/fisiologia , Humanos , Julgamento/fisiologia , Museus
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(1): 147-164, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1288973


No ensaio "Leonardo da Vinci e uma lembrança da sua infância", Freud abriu um campo de implicações entre psicanálise, arte e estética da recepção, evidenciando uma maneira de trabalhar e pensar que permite interrogar o método psicanalítico nos estudos dedicados à arte, assim como na clínica.

In the essay on "Leonardo da Vinci and a memory of his childhood", Freud opened a field of implications between psychoanalysis, art and aesthetics of reception, showing a way of working and thinking that allows for question on the psychoanalytical method in studies dedicated to art, as well as in the clinic.

En el ensayo "Un recuerdo infantil de Leonardo da Vinci", Freud abrió un campo de implicaciones entre el psicoanálisis, el arte y la estética de la recepción, mostrando una forma de trabajar y pensar que permite cuestionar el método psicoanalítico en los estudios dedicados al arte, así como en la clínica.

Dans l'essai sur « Un souvenir d>enfance de Léonard de Vinci ¼ (1910), Freud a ouvert une voie d'implications entre la psychanalyse, l'art et l'esthétique de la réception, démontrant une manière de travailler et de penser qui permet d'interroger la méthode psychanalytique dans les études consacrées à l'art, bien que dans la clinique.

Arte , Psicanálise/métodos , Estética/psicologia , Teoria Freudiana
Plast Surg Nurs ; 41(1): 61-63, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33626567


Compassion fatigue is emotional, physical, and spiritual exhaustion from witnessing and absorbing the problems of others. Aesthetic providers are prone to becoming victims of compassion fatigue because of the stress of meeting the often overwhelming needs of pºatients. This article discusses what is known about compassion fatigue, what differentiates it from burnout, and how to recognize and combat it.

Fadiga por Compaixão/prevenção & controle , Estética/psicologia , Esgotamento Profissional/prevenção & controle , Esgotamento Profissional/psicologia , Fadiga por Compaixão/psicologia , Humanos , Estresse Ocupacional/complicações , Estresse Ocupacional/psicologia , Apoio Social
Ann N Y Acad Sci ; 1488(1): 44-55, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33147651


Beauty is commonly used to refer to positive evaluative appraisals that are uniquely human. Little is known, however, about what distinguishes beauty in terms of psychological function or neurobiological mechanisms. Our review describes recent empirical studies and synthesizes what behavioral, cognitive, and neuroscientific experiments have revealed about the nature of beauty. These findings suggest that beauty shares computational mechanisms with other forms of hedonic appraisal of sensory objects but is distinguished by specific conceptual expectations. Specifically, experiencing an object as pleasurable is a prerequisite for judging it to be beautiful; but to qualify as beautiful, an object must elicit especially high levels of pleasure and be matched to internal learned models of what counts as beautiful. We discuss how these empirical findings contradict several assumptions about beauty, including the notion that beauty is disinterested, and that it is specific to Homo sapiens.

Beleza , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Cognição/fisiologia , Estética/psicologia , Rede Nervosa/fisiologia , Neurobiologia/tendências , Humanos
Ear Nose Throat J ; 100(5_suppl): 436S-442S, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31637952


Dorsal hump reduction is a crucial point of rhinoplasty, as it has a great impact on the final shape of nasal pyramid. Depending on morphological features of the hump, its removal is usually obtained by the use of an osteotome or a rasp. In our study, we describe a closed rhinoplasty technique performed in 2 groups of patients: the only difference between the groups is the surgical tools used during the dorsal hump removal phase (rasp vs the 5-mm osteotome).We used 2 questionnaires of quality of life (QoL), Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE), and Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE) questionnaire, to evaluate postoperative outcome (6 months after surgery).Closed rhinoplasty was performed in 107 patients. Dorsal hump removal was carried out with rasp on 35 patients; while in 72 cases, it was performed using a 5-mm osteotome. All the patients were given 2 copies of NOSE and ROE questionnaires (1 month before surgery and 6 months after surgery) to evaluate postoperative QoL. In our study emerged that the use of osteotome in dorsal hump reduction is associated with a better aesthetic outcome (evaluated by analyzing patients QoL with ROE questionnaire) without any difference between the 2 groups in terms of functional outcome (expressed by NOSE questionnaire), major and minor complications and surgical procedure duration.

Osso Nasal/cirurgia , Obstrução Nasal/cirurgia , Osteotomia/métodos , Rinoplastia/métodos , Adulto , Estética/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Obstrução Nasal/psicologia , Osteotomia/psicologia , Avaliação de Resultados em Cuidados de Saúde , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Retrospectivos , Rinoplastia/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Resultado do Tratamento
Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med ; 23(4): 263-269, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32881596


Objective: To develop and validate a novel patient-reported measure to assess internally and externally driven expectations for change after a cosmetic procedure, termed the aesthetic procedure expectations (ASPECT) scale. Method: In total, 186 adults recruited from nonsurgical cosmetic clinics in Melbourne, Australia, accessed an online survey (150 completed; 81% response rate) including the novel ASPECT questionnaire, demographics, and measures of psychological distress. Results: The final sample included 141 women and 5 men with a mean age of 44.78 years (standard deviation = 11.68) with <10% missing data. Results supported a two-factor ASPECT scale measuring intrinsic and extrinsic expectations, with high internal consistency and convergent validity. Heightened extrinsic and intrinsic expectations were both associated with individuals who were emotionally distressed, younger, and had previously undertaken more cosmetic procedures. Cutoff scores for the ASPECT subscales are proposed to aid cosmetic practitioners in identifying clients requiring further assessment. Conclusions: The ASPECT scale may provide a reliable and useful clinical tool for cosmetic practitioners to assess unrealistic expectations and determine which clients may require more in-depth consultation before undergoing surgical or nonsurgical cosmetic treatment.

Técnicas Cosméticas/psicologia , Estética/psicologia , Motivação , Satisfação do Paciente , Autorrelato , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Angústia Psicológica , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Cogn Emot ; 35(1): 15-29, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32734827


Aesthetically appealing stimuli can improve performance in demanding target localisation tasks compared to unappealing stimuli. Two search-and-localisation experiments were carried out to examine the possible underlying mechanism mediating the effects of appeal on performance. Participants (N = 95) were put in a positive or negative mood prior to carrying out a visual target localisation task with appealing and unappealing targets. In both experiments, positive mood initially led to faster localisation of appealing compared to unappealing stimuli, while an advantage for appealing over unappealing stimuli emerged over time in negative mood participants. The findings are compatible with the idea that appealing stimuli may be inherently rewarding, with aesthetic appeal overcoming the detrimental effects of negative mood on performance.

Afeto/fisiologia , Beleza , Estética/psicologia , Análise e Desempenho de Tarefas , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Tempo de Reação/fisiologia , Adulto Jovem
Am J Otolaryngol ; 42(1): 102763, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33152577


PURPOSE: Patient satisfaction after functional-aesthetic SRP (faSRP) is highly influenced by the cosmetic result of the surgical procedure. Studies that directly evaluate aesthetic success after external and endonasal faSRP are scarce. The objective of this prospective propensity score matching study was to compare patient-reported satisfaction regarding aesthetic perception following faSRP using the external and endonasal approach in a single-institution single-surgeon survey. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Out of 161 patients operated by the senior author between October 2011 and March 2017, propensity score matching (PSM) computed 54 patients each following external (group 1) or endonasal faSRP (group 2). Patients reported their satisfaction with the aesthetic appearance of the nose on a visual analogue scale (VAS, 0-10) and five Likert scale questions using the Utrecht questionnaire three and twelve months after surgery. RESULTS: The mean preoperative VAS score of 3.46 ± 1.06 improved significantly in all patients after faSRP to 4.54 ± 0.38 (F(1.69;157.04) = 634.01, p < 0.001). The VAS increase did not show any correlation to the surgical approach (F(1;93) = 1.12, p = 0.293). The mean aesthetic sum score (5 = low burden up to 25 = high burden) improved significantly from 13.89 ± 3.78 to 8.46 ± 3.63 after three months (t(95) = 14.021, p < 0.001) and remained almost unchanged after 12 months (8.10 ± 3.76; t(98) = 1.450, p = 0.150) irrespective of the surgical approach (F(1,544;143,587) = 0.126, p = 0.829). CONCLUSIONS: Both the external and endonasal faSRP allowed for significant improvement in patient's aesthetic self-assessment of similar extent.

Estética/psicologia , Septo Nasal/cirurgia , Avaliação de Resultados da Assistência ao Paciente , Satisfação do Paciente , Pontuação de Propensão , Rinoplastia/métodos , Rinoplastia/psicologia , Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Cirurgia Plástica/psicologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Qualidade de Vida , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores de Tempo , Escala Visual Analógica , Adulto Jovem
Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 33(4): 145-150, oct.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-201067


INTRODUCCIÓN: El tratamiento quirúrgico del cáncer de mama deja secuelas deformantes, por tanto, la reconstrucción mamaria es considerada parte integral del tratamiento. Evaluar la satisfacción de las pacientes sobre los resultados estéticos de la reconstrucción orienta hacia la efectividad de las técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas. OBJETIVOS: Evaluar la satisfacción con los resultados estéticos de las pacientes reconstruidas posmastectomía, y comparar estos resultados con la simetría frontal mamaria posquirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de serie de casos en 40 pacientes reconstruidas posmastectomía en el periodo 2013-2018 en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología (INOR) de Cuba. Se evaluó la satisfacción sobre sus resultados estéticos mediante el cuestionario BREAST-Q modificado. El test no paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis se usó para determinar diferencias de los niveles de satisfacción entre grupos de covariables. Los resultados se correlacionaron con la medida de la simetría frontal global posquirúrgica mediante la correlación de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron altos niveles satisfacción de las pacientes reconstruidas en las escalas evaluadas, con medianas por encima de 95 puntos. Pacientes entre 35 y 54 años alcanzaron puntuaciones significativamente más altas (p < 0,05). La satisfacción con la apariencia de las mamas correlacionó positiva y significativamente con la simetría frontal posquirúrgica. CONCLUSIONES: Los altos niveles de satisfacción alcanzados sugieren una alta efectividad de las técnicas quirúrgicas reconstructivas empleadas, especialmente con la técnica de dorsal ancho más implante; la correlación positiva entre la satisfacción con la apariencia de las mamas y la simetría global posquirúrgica verifica esta afirmación

INTRODUCTION: The surgical treatment of breast cancer leaves deforming sequelae; therefore, breast reconstruction is considered an integral part of the treatment. Evaluating patient satisfaction with the aesthetic results of reconstruction is one way to assess the effectiveness of the surgical techniques used. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate satisfaction with aesthetic results in patients reconstructed after mastectomy and to compare these results with frontal breast symmetry after surgery. METHODS: A case series study was conducted in 40 reconstructed post-mastectomy patients from 2013-2018 at INOR. Satisfaction with aesthetic results was evaluated using the modified Breast Q survey. Differences in satisfaction levels between groups of covariates were determined by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. The results were correlated with measurement of post-surgical global frontal symmetry using Spearman's correlation. RESULTS: High satisfaction levels were obtained in reconstructed patients in the evaluated scales, with medians above 95 points. Scores were significantly higher in patients aged between 35 and 54 years (p < 0.05). Satisfaction with breast appearance correlated positively and significantly with post-surgical frontal symmetry. CONCLUSIONS: The high satisfaction levels achieved suggest a high effectiveness of the reconstructive surgical techniques used, especially with latissimus dorsi plus implant technique; this statement is verified by the positive correlation between satisfaction with the appearance of the breasts and the overall post-surgical symmetry

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias da Mama/cirurgia , Mamoplastia/métodos , Estética/psicologia , Psicometria/instrumentação , Cuba/epidemiologia , Neoplasias da Mama/psicologia , Mamoplastia/estatística & dados numéricos , Satisfação do Paciente/estatística & dados numéricos , Mastectomia/estatística & dados numéricos
Sci Rep ; 10(1): 20774, 2020 11 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33247221


Most previous neuroaesthetics research has been limited to considering the aesthetic judgment of static stimuli, with few studies examining the aesthetic judgment of dynamic stimuli. The present study explored the neural mechanisms underlying aesthetic judgment of dynamic landscapes, and compared the neural mechanisms between the aesthetic judgments of dynamic landscapes and static ones. Participants were scanned while they performed aesthetic judgments on dynamic landscapes and matched static ones. The results revealed regions of occipital lobe, frontal lobe, supplementary motor area, cingulate cortex and insula were commonly activated both in the aesthetic judgments of dynamic and static landscapes. Furthermore, compared to static landscapes, stronger activations of middle temporal gyrus (MT/V5), and hippocampus were found in the aesthetic judgments of dynamic landscapes. This study provided neural evidence that visual processing related regions, emotion-related regions were more active when viewing dynamic landscapes than static ones, which also indicated that dynamic stimuli were more beautiful than static ones.

Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Estética , Julgamento/fisiologia , Beleza , Mapeamento Encefálico , Estética/psicologia , Feminino , Neuroimagem Funcional , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Masculino , Modelos Neurológicos , Estimulação Luminosa , Psicofisiologia , Percepção Visual/fisiologia , Adulto Jovem
PLoS One ; 15(10): e0239973, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33045015


Where is the visual aesthetic preference rooted from and what's its relationship with the perceptual preference that is emerging early? Do young children naturally prefer some visual stimuli or do they learn to appreciate visual stimuli for aesthetic pleasure? Here, for young preschool children who are on the age that the preferences are developing, we provide findings from a study to show that the interplay between early emerging perceptual sensitivity and perceptual exposure promotes the emergence of preschool children's aesthetic preferences for simple visual patterns. Specifically in the experiments, 4-year-old children were exposed to either symmetric or asymmetric non-figurative forms in a perceptually demanding game; the group of children who received exposure to symmetric patterns showed aesthetic preference to the exposed patterns, while no preference was found in the group that received exposure to asymmetric patterns. The following recognition test then showed that the symmetric objects were differentiated better and remembered more clearly by the children, indicating that the symmetry was perceptually encoded better. These findings suggest that the early emerging perceptual sensitivity to 'good features' such as symmetry provides the prior cognitive prerequisites, allowing visual perceptual exposure to nourish the eventual formation of aesthetic preference. Thus, the preferences for aesthetic appreciation are likely the outcome of the interplay between biological and ecological adaptation.

Cognição/fisiologia , Estética/psicologia , Pré-Escolar , Comportamento de Escolha , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Reconhecimento Visual de Modelos , Estimulação Luminosa
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act ; 17(1): 125, 2020 10 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33004078


BACKGROUND: Characteristics of the neighborhood built environment are associated with physical activity (PA). However, few studies with representative samples have examined environmental correlates of domain-specific PA in Latin America. We examined the associations of the perceived neighborhood built environment with domain-specific PA in a large sample of adults from eight Latin American countries. METHODS: This study examined data from 8185 adults (aged 18-65 years) from eight Latin American countries. The Neighbourhood Environment Walkability Survey - Abbreviated (NEWS-A) scale was used to assess perceptions of land use mix-diversity, land use mix-access, street connectivity, walking/cycling facilities, aesthetics, safety from traffic, and safety from crime. Perceived proximity from home to public open spaces (metropolitan parks, playgrounds, public squares) and to shopping centers was also measured. Transport-related and leisure-time PA were assessed using the long form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Both logistic and linear regression models were estimated on pooled data. RESULTS: Perceptions of higher land use mix-access (OR: 1.40; 95% CI: 1.22,1.61), the existence of many alternative routes in the neighbourhood (1.12; 1.04,1.20), slow speed of traffic (1.19; 1.03,1.35) and few drivers exceeding the speed limits (1.09; 1.03,1.15) were associated with greater odds of reporting at least 10 min/week of transport-related PA. Perceptions of higher levels of land use mix-diversity, better aesthetics and greater safety from crime, the presence of crosswalks and pedestrian signals, and greater proximity of shopping centers were associated with more min/week of transport-related PA. Perceptions of higher land use mix-diversity (1.12; 1.05,1.20), higher land use mix-access (1.27; 1.13,1.43), more walking/cycling facilities (1.18; 1.09,1.28), and better aesthetics (1.10; 1.02,1.18) were associated with greater odds of engaging in at least 10 min/week of leisure-time PA versus none. Perceptions of higher land use mix-diversity were associated with more min/week of leisure PA. CONCLUSIONS: Different perceived neighborhood built environment characteristics were associated with domain-specific PA among adults from Latin America countries. Interventions designed to modify perceptions of the neighbourhood built environment might influence initiation or maintenance of domain-specific PA. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials. Gov NCT02226627 . Retrospectively registered on August 27, 2014.

Ambiente Construído/psicologia , Exercício Físico , Características de Residência/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Condução de Veículo/psicologia , Crime/psicologia , Estética/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , América Latina , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Segurança , Caminhada/psicologia , Adulto Jovem